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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you design my site for me?

Yes. This is an additional service we offer. For now just reach out to us for an estimate. 

What are your support hours?

We’re around. We’re not robots. Our monitoring and ticketing system is running 24/7. We take pride in having a real person help you in a timely manner, but some responses may be automated. This lets you know your message is in our system. 

Can I run a business?
Absolutely! Hundreds of thousands of small businesses use Webs for their websites. Whether it’s a simple business site or a full fledged online store, you can do it here. We also offer Premium Services like the ability to register a custom domain name (like to put a truly professional finish on your site.
Can I buy a domain here and use it somewhere else?

Yes. Feel free to ask if you need assistance in this process.

If I buy a domain somewhere else can I transfer it here?

Yes. Infact this happens all the time and is featured in the check out process. To begin the process you will need your Epp or Auth code. Let us know if you need a hand.

Do you offer phone support?
Yes! Phone support comes standard with our Business Package. We offer email and live chat support options with our other packages.
I'm not sure what plan is right for me. How do I decide?

This question comes up a lot. We are currently developing a solution to help ease your decision process.

For now please fill out the form on our Contact Us page and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.

What if I need to upgrade?

This happens. We will try do everything we can to make sure that you’re completely satisfied. 

Can I get my website listed on Google?
Certainly, once you create your site, simply post your URL to Google’s free site submission page. Note: It may take a few days to a few weeks to get listed.
How do I cancel and delete my account?
You can cancel or close your website and account at any time. To do so, login to Leafy Network with your email/password combination. Your sites will be listed on your dashboard. Click the “delete site” link to delete a website. If you are logging in with a username/password combination, then login, and click on the “Site Settings” link. You will find a delete account link at the bottom right of the Site Settings page.
I have a website somewhere else. Can I host it here instead?

Of course. We would love to. We will make sure this process is as quick and painless as possible.

Do you offer WordPress?

Yes. When using us for hosting WordPress is free.  We also provide LightSpeed Caching and Cloudflare services to ensure your site will be served up fast. You have the option to set this up on your own or have one of us get you started.

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